Delicious Granola Recipe!

My sister in law brought over this delicious Granola and after 2 bites I knew I had to get the recipe.

Since I started making it and tweeting photos I have been asked to share the recipe…so here goes!


  • Oats (large, preferably organic)
  • Kamut
  • Spelt
  • Flax seed (seeds or ground)
  • Coconut
  • Almonds
  • Pecans
  • Dried fruit (can be pears, apricots, currants – I use currants in mine and love it)
  • Olive oil
  • Honey
  • Maple syrup
  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamon
  • Vanilla


  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Mix all the following dried ingredients together and set aside:
    •  2 1/2 cups of oats
    • 1 1/2 cups kamut
    • 1/2 cup of spelt ( I can’t always find it and its good without it)
    • 1/3 cup flax seed
    • 1 cup of almonds (I chop them)
    • 1 cup pecans
    • 1/2 cup coconut


  3. In a saucepan warm together, stirring continuously
    •  1/2 cup olive oil
    • 1/4 cup of maple syrup
    • 1/2 cup of honey
    • 1/2 tsp ssalt
    • dash of cardamon (be careful not too use too much)
    • 1/2 tbsp of vanilla

    The key to this part is getting it to come to a boil (once frothy remove from heat so it doesn’t burn)

  4. Pour the liquid mixture onto the dry ingredients and mix well
  5. Spread out the mixture onto baking sheets – I use parchment paper so it doesn’t stick.
  6. Make sure the granola is spread out evenly across the pan and not too thick
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes (if it starts to look brown take it out and let it sit on the baking sheet for 5-10 minutes)
  8. Once cool add dry fruit and mix well.




What would you do with 4 hours of free time… promo & contest!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what would 4 free hours all to yourself be worth?

Priceless if you ask me!

There is something about moms that makes us feel like we have to do it all and do it all perfectly.  We hear the saying daily “women having it all”. But what does having it all even mean? The perfect mom has to  have the perfect home right? Not a thing out of place, perfect linen closets and never a dirty sock on the floor.

Not this mama!

Having it all for me means having the time to spend with my family.  Not a Sunday goes by that the hubs and I don’t face the difficult decision.. Do we take the kids and Jessie for some outdoor fun or clean the house. Outdoor fun always wins! My house well…( lets just say if you ask my mother or my bestie, they will never accuse me of being an all star housekeeper)

Why do we feel as Moms that we should do it all, clean, cook, crafts, chauffeur, cheerleader, you name it we do it.  But lets face it do any of us really enjoy cleaning? I am going to admit happily that I dread it, literally dread it.  The only aspect of cleaning that I enjoy is folding laundry (and that is because I get to watch TV and catch up on Y&R while folding). There is nothing I dread more than doing bathrooms or mopping floors but for some reason I always find myself feeling like that is just part of my job.  I will squeeze in an hour or 2 here and there and do a mish mash of a cleaning until finally I have to start all over again.

cleaning pic

I wonder why so many of us feel like we are over indulging or admitting defeat by hiring a cleaning service.

Kathy Buckworth tweeted out something that perfectly captured what I think many of us feel…

kathy buckworthCould not agree more Kathy! I know that hiring a cleaner is not affordable for all (certainly wasn’t for our family for years) but what I realized was it truly comes down to 1 question. What is your time worth to you?

I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a wonderful new cleaning service called You Need Maids.   From the moment you visit their website it is clear that this is a company that gets moms! Their website is easy to navigate and within minutes you can have your next cleaning booked all online! No need to wait for an in house consultation, their online booking form lays out all the prices up front which includes everything you need for a top to bottom cleaning.

You need maidsOne of the features I loved was the daily reminders that are emailed out the day before your cleaning as well as the ability to pick your time and day and payment online! Gone are the days of leaving cash or a cheque.

With 2 kids and a 75lb fur ball of a dog our house gets messy! The You Need Maids team was not only friendly and amazing with Jessie our dog but they showed up with a supply of Eco friendly products, vacuum cleaner, mops and all.  Just another convenience that makes this company stand out from its competition.

The best part was the final results! Our home was sparkling from top to bottom, little things like under the picture frames, the kids bookshelves, behind the end tables and in between the stove & counter. Those little details that show just how much pride they take in their work.  The kids were the most excited when they saw their rooms.  Dylan loved how his books were re-organized & all his picture frames perfectly placed. The cleaners even left a checklist which details exactly what was cleaned and what time they left!

dyls room

Still not sure? Give them a try and receive a 10% discount by using the code: Dogpaddling10

Win a FREE cleaning!

1 lucky reader will win a top to bottom house cleaning! Click on the link & fill out the form for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

OR simply leave a comment letting me know:
What you would do with 4 extra hours all to yourself! How would you spend it?

And the winner is….

Thank you all for your great comments and entries! Big congratulations to Amy the winner of a VIP cleaning service!

Don’t forget you can still save 10% by using the coupon code Dogpaddling10

For more information please visit their website, Facebook & Twitter!

What does the future hold for Dog Paddling? We need your help!

It was in early May 2001, at 9 months of age,  that Jessie went on her first canoe trip. The ice had just finished breaking up on the Lower Madawaska River, and Eren and Kevin brought Jessie along for the 4 day trip “hoping it would go well”.

Jessie's first adventure in 2001!

Jessie’s first adventure in 2001!

After paddling and guiding for several years through many of Ontario’s classic wilderness areas, bringing along a dog was a new experience that brought it own challenges and rich rewards. Since then Dog Paddling Adventures has guided, hiked with, paddled alongside and skijored together with hundreds, even thousands of dogs and their humans through some of the most scenic wilderness areas that Ontario has to offer.

Our first canoe trip with Jessie

Our first canoe trip with Jessie

It is hard to put together just the right words to describe the feelings that we have when we try to describe our love for Dog Paddling and its wonderful community.

Some words that come to mind are…

Adventure. Happiness. Swimming. Paddling. Experience. Smiles. Joy. Wet dog.

madriver_dpacanoe_1000Experiences like watching a dog swim for the very first time or seeing the look on mom or dads face as they watch their dog hike off leash for the first time are experiences that words simply can’t describe.  They are experiences that warm the heart and are forever etched in our minds and memories.


How it all began…

I still remember the moment (like it was yesterday) that Eren and Jessie returned from their first whitewater paddling adventure.  Eren said these simple words “We should start an adventure company for people and their dogs”.  That was the very moment that Dog Paddling Adventures was born.

DPA collage.jpgWe had fun choosing the name, creating a logo, designing a website and chatting daily with like minded doggy people who all had 1 common desire… To go on a vacation with their dog.  It has always been amazing to me just how difficult it is to find a truly pet friendly space to go with your dog.  I love that for 13 years we have been that outlet for so many wonderful people and their dogs.

web4.jpgYear after year we have enjoyed adventures with new people from all over North America, including North Dakota, California, New York, Vancouver, Calgary, New Mexico, Carolina and all over Ontario.  Watching as not only dogs experienced this type of adventure but their humans who most likely were sleeping in a tent for the first time, portaging a canoe for the first time and cooking a meal over an open fire for the first time.  These adventures provided so much more than a vacation but truly created an experience that was unique and memorable. Our clients walked away from our trips with new skills and a renewed connection to the natural world that surrounds us, often just out of arm’s reach.


Where are we now?

Over the years Jessie has grown a few more grey whiskers, and since her 2 ligament surgeries her wandering ways don’t get her as far as they used to. The human side of the Howell family has grown to include Kailey and Dylan, with Kailey on the ice playing Ringette all the time and Dylan looking more and more each day like a future wilderness guide himself. Over the years the guiding operations have been handled increasingly well by passionate guides. Leah, Dana, Don, Kevin and of course Donna Steele have taken incredible care of our clients out on the trail, often forging personal friendships that have lasted many years.

Where are we going?

Dog Paddling deserves and needs new energy, passion, direction… something more than the Howell’s are able to give it these days. Once we get back out on trail we are reminded of the amazing things that can and do happen on Dog Paddling trips each and every time we get out there. Finding a way to keep that going is the prime reason we are writing this blog post.

“What is the best future for Dog Paddling Adventures, and how do we get there?”. It is a question that Eren and I have asked frequently over the past couple of years, with no single definitive answer ever really presenting itself. Our desire, is to find a loving home for Dog Paddling Adventures, a home that will keep our dream alive & provide many more years of adventures for dogs and their people.

We find ourselves with the following options:

Do we try to sell it to a someone who is looking to start a career in outdoor adventure?

Do we partner with someone who has fresh new ideas and the time to implement them?

Do we hire someone to help manage the company?


Do we do we walk away from a company that has truly been like a family member to us over the last 13 years so we can pay more attention to the other wonderful things happening in our lives?

How can you help?

We are reaching out to you, our community as we feel like Dog Paddling is as much as part of you as it is to us.  We are open to suggestions, new direction and input.

*If you know of anyone who loves adventures and dogs and is looking for a turnkey business they can walk into,  please share this with them.

*If you are looking for a new business or career and feel this could be right for you, please reach out!

*If you know of a pet related business looking for a fun, feel good adventure company to tie into their business let them or us know.

While we take this time to figure out the next great adventure for Dog Paddling, our 2014 schedule will be on hold. Our hope is that by this Summer there will be a new schedule of fabulous trips for you and your dog to enjoy!

bernadette6Thank you for being part of a community that we truly think of as our extended family.

Thank you for supporting us each and every day as Jessie went through her surgeries and recoveries.

Thank you for making our adventures so memorable and for standing by us over the last 13 years.


Thank you for helping us to pave the way for Dog Paddlings next adventure…

The million dollar question about social media…

What is the ROI of Social Media?

As a marketer who deeply believes in the power of social media, I have to say that this is by far the most asked question.  The answer however, is not so simple…

The truth of the matter is this…the answer to this question is not quantitative – the answer is based on sentiment and engagement. Ask yourself this:

What is the value for your brand to have customers engaging daily with you, sharing their feedback, spreading their excitement and organically sharing your message with their network? The answer is “priceless”. No form of traditional advertising can offer an ROI nearly as impactful or effective as building a positive sentiment for your brand on social media.


What other form of advertising provides you a platform to genuinely talk to you customers and potential customers?

Where else can you share your expertise through casual conversation?

Social Media is a forum where as a brand you can showcase your expertise and content without feeling like you are “selling” your brand. This is not to say that Social Media can or should replace traditional media, only that it can amplify your traditional marketing strategies using messaging that engages your audience and motivates an immediate response and action.

A recent study by The Business Insider found that 90% of customers will recommend brands who they interact with on social media. The voice you create for your brand can turn your customers into loyal brand advocates. Think about your experiences with brands – the ones you trust, value and believe in. These are ultimately the brands you buy from time and time again.  Social Media transforms a customer who “likes” you into a customer who “loves” you.  This might sound corny but a customer who loves your brand will buy from you – each and every time.

brand advocacy

So the next time you are questioning the ROI of your social media efforts consider the following:

  • Do your Facebook posts receive likes, shares and comments?
  • Do your posts evoke an emotion with your followers?
  • Are your tweets getting retweeted?
  • Do your blog posts receive comments?
  • Do your followers initiate conversations on your social media platforms?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES then you should consider the ROI of your social media efforts to be a success!

How do you measure the success of your social media programs?

Yummy & easy chocolate chip cookies

Tonight we are heading to a skating party with DD’s ringette team, so being the newly domesticated Mom (it won’t last but is fun for now), I decided to bake up some cookies for the team.

The kids were excited to walk in to the smell of fresh baked cookies and a tall glass of cold milk!



  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 18 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugars, eggs and vanilla.
  3. In another bowl , mix together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
  4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients.
  5. Stir in chocolate chips
  6. Scoop ball sized portions 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.
  7. Bake for 10 minutes or until cookies are lightly brown.

Tip: To keep them soft & chewy for days (should they last that long) take them out of the oven and put them into air tight zip lock bags immediately! 


Bucket List for kids…

I recently read a wonderful article “Bucket list for kids: 50 things to do before they’re 12” By: Catherine McLean that peaked my interest! It got me thinking about our children’s generation and how quickly they are changing and evolving into a Social Media Generation. “Generation Z” as they are being called have been defined as the most diverse ever. Gen Z kids will grow up with a highly sophisticated media and computer environment and will be more Internet savvy and expert than their Gen Y forerunners.”

I look at my daughter who is officially a tween now and see a beautiful, athletic young lady who has a new founded obsession with Instagram. If allowed, she would spend endless hours online chatting with her new  friends, posting photos and watching videos about her favorite band R5. As her mom it is my duty to remind her of what good old fun playtime looks like.

Yearly canoe trip to Haliburton

Yearly canoe trip to Haliburton

That being said, does this generation of kids really enjoy the outdoors and “play time” like we did as kids? Do your kids choose outdoor time over iPod and TV time?

….If your answer is no, you aren’t alone. What amazes me is how few children actually embrace or even notice nature any more.  As a wife of an outdoor and nature enthusiast I have learned the impact and significance of exposing our children to the world around us and am inspired by my children’s love for nature. My 7 year old son Dylan,  loves nature and will head out for a walk in the forest or an afternoon on an open freezing cold lake just to do some ice fishing with Dad.

Dylan's first time white water paddling with Dad!

Dylan’s first time white water paddling with Dad!

Both of our children started paddling with us from the time they were in their bucket seats (both attended their first canoe trips at 3 months old).  Don’t get me wrong, they both love TV time, iPods, DSi’s and the computer and I can honestly say that if it weren’t for my husband’s skills and enthusiasm I am not sure how much outdoor exploration our children would enjoy. What I loved about this article was its call to action! It is time to remind ourselves just how much fun skipping rope was or going for a walk in the forest! We have forgotten just how precious family time in the outdoors really can be!

Taking time for adventure even on a trip to Orlando!

Taking time for adventure even on a trip to Orlando!

I encourage you to check out this list, print it out and put in on your fridge. Make it a challenge for your kids to check off each and every one of these fun tasks. It doesn’t have to be an all day event, or even something out of your comfort zone. A simple walk in the local forest, a snowball fight in the back yard or even a scavenger hunt with your neighbors! Anything that gets the kids off the couch and re-connecting with the great outdoors.

winter 1

The Bucket List

  • Climb a tree
  • Roll down a really big hill
  • Camp out in the wild
  • Build a den
  • Skip a stone
  • Run around in the rain
  • Fly a kite
  • Catch a fish with a net
  • Eat an apple straight from a tree
  • Play conkers
  • Throw some snow
  • Hunt for treasure on the beach
  • Make a mud pie
  • Dam a stream
  • Go sledging
  • Bury someone in the sand
  • Set up a snail race
  • Balance on a fallen tree
  • Swing on a rope swing
  • Make a mud slide
  • Eat blackberries growing in the wild
  • Take a look inside a tree
  • Visit an island
  • Feel like you’re flying in the wind
  • Make a grass trumpet
  • Hunt for fossils and bones
  • Watch the sun wake up
  • Climb a huge hill
  • Get behind a waterfall
  • Feed a bird from your hand
  • Hunt for bugs
  • Find some frogspawn
  • Catch a butterfly in a net
  • Track wild animals
  • Discover what’s in a pond
  • Call an owl
  • Check out the crazy creatures in a rock pool
  • Bring up a butterfly 3
  • Catch a crab
  • Go on a nature walk at night
  • Plant it, grow it, eat it
  • Go wild swimming
  • Go rafting
  • Light a fire without matches
  • Find your way with a map and a compass
  • Try bouldering
  • Cook on a campfire
  • Try abseiling
  • Find a geocache
  • Canoe down a river

Which of these have you and your family enjoyed? Would love to hear what your kids favorite outdoor activities are!

Mini Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

I am always searching for yummy bite size snacks to send to school with the kids. At a visit at my friend Heather’s house I indulged on the yummiest bite size muffins ever! Both of my kids LOVE banana bread so we thought we would give these a go! 5 minutes after I tweeted about them I had several requests to share the recipe so here goes:

Banana Choc Chip Muffins

  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup wheat germ
  • 1/4 cup oatmeal
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2-3 large ripe bananas – the more bananas, the more moist your muffins will be
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 1 egg
  • chocolate chips as desired

Mix dry ingredients together

Mash bananas in a separate bowl and mix in egg and melted butter

Mix all together and add chocolate chips (before or after pouring into muffin tray)

Preheat oven to 375 and cook for 11-13 minutes for minis, or 20-24 minutes for large.

Warning you absolutely cannot eat just 1 of these DELICIOUS muffins!


Can you build meaningful relationships in a 140 characters…

5 years ago I decided to join “Twitter” at the time a relatively new social media platform that peaked my interest.  It was June 17, 2009 to be exact.  Since that day I have been asked endlessly about why I love Twitter so much. I often get questions like:

What is Twitter?

Why do you Tweet?

Who do you talk to?

Can you really build relationships online when you only have 140 characters?


58,000 tweets later (yes I really did just admit to having tweeted more than 50,000 times) I can honestly say that “yes you can build meaningful relationships in a 140 characters”.

Sure we have all had those days where you tweet out something and all you hear is crickets. Not a single reply or retweet. You wonder, “is anyone listening, is anyone there, do they care what I am tweeting about?”

For me those small moments of doubt were absolutely put to rest after I went to Blissdom Canada (a conference for bloggers and writers).  I walked in with my BFF an equally as addicted fellow tweeter @tjzmommy and wondered who will I know, who will I meet IRL (in real life). What will my online friends be like in real life, will we have anything to talk about.

The answer was YES! I was overwhelmed by the reception I got, huge hugs, shreaks of excitement and OMG @Dogpaddling so nice to meet you.  The feeling was unbelievably mutual for so many wonderful online friends, bloggers from the PTPA community and writers who I have long respected and looked up to.  Every single person I met was exactly how I thought they would be!

I walked away knowing 1 thing for sure.

All the time I had put into twitter, the hours of twitter parties, the #earlyriser chats, Sunday morning #peopleskills, #spiritchat, Tuesday night #leadfromwithin, and the late night  #revengechats, #bachelorchats and TV talk all amounted to 1 thing.

Meaningful Relationships

Twitter is so much more than tweeting, it is an online community. It is a playground for us “social” big kids who are looking for like minded people who enjoy talking about a wide variety of topics (all found by the quintessential #hashtag)

I have forever had to explain my twitter handle. @Dogpaddling – why is it @Dogpaddlingthey ask?   I think my very first tweet says it all:

June 17, 2009  @Dogpaddling is learning how to tweet,  now if only I could teach Jessie my dog!

As I look back I realize that I had a lot to learn about Twitter. My first 20 tweets were just me posting, I didn’t include anyone, didn’t reply to anyone and was pretty much talking to Twitter not with Twitter.  My Twitter account has evolved and grown over the last 4 years. As I look back at my Twitter journal (I encourage you to request that Twitter sends you your history) It is quite amazing to read, I can see how my interests have grown and changed with me.

People will tell you that your handle and tweets should be relevant to you, your brand,  your followers. I admit I don’t exactly follow what the experts say. I tweet about dogs, I tweet about kids, I co-host tweet chats about parenting products and I participate in weekly chats about leadership, people skills and the latest reality shows. I also tweet a lot about Scott Speedman.  But at the end of the day I am “authentic” to my brand, to myself (scott speedman stalker and all)

Not only have I made true and wonderful friendships on Twitter I have also learned more than I could have in any course or reading a book. I have found online mentors like @ValaAfshar , @LollyDaskal@AjmaniK , @sociallysavvy4u @KateNasser who have inspired me through their words of wisdom and weekly chats to want more for myself, to never stop growing and who have taught me solid skills on how to use Social Media to engage with clients, potential customers and our community.

At Blissdom I had the pleasure of hearing @kirstinestewart Head of Twitter Canada speak about Twitter and its role in Social Media and the blogging world.  It absolutely blew me away how far twitter has come in the last 7 years.  Kirstine shared that”Twitter has given the individual a platform. Develop your voice and take advantage of what Twitter has to offer, Twitter is about participating in a conversation that is happening in this moment.  It is designed to amplify and compliment conversations and traditional media.”

I won’t pretend to be a Twitter Expert or Guru but I will leave you with what I have learned:

  • Don’t be afraid to join Twitter.  Pick a handle and start tweeting, it really is that easy
  • Join the conversations and join lots of them.  Twitter is all about engagement. If you see someone talking about a topic that interests you, join in.  People will welcome your perspective!
  • Retweet– There is such amazing content on Twitter, people LOVE to share! See something you like, hit RT! Retweeting keeps the content moving and will inspire others to share your content
  • Be yourself – there is so much advice on how to “brand” yourself, how to represent who you are on Twitter. My advice is just be you.  Somedays you will feel like talking about the weather, others a book you read, some nights you might just want to share what a hard day you had or share your thoughts on your favorite TV show. Either way Twitter doesn’t judge, find a community who is supportive and who you relate to and you will be welcomed with open arms.
  • Use Hashtags – the best way I can explain them is that they chronicle events.  Breaking news, sports, tv shows, tweet chats, twitter parties or just every day conversation can all be found by searching a hashtag of your choice. Use them when you tweet and people will find you faster. It opens you up to new followers and new conversation.
  • Follow people –  If you enjoy chatting with someone or someone takes the time to RT your posts I say follow them. The more you follow the more will follow you (thank you @zeevski for that tidbit)  Grow your community and surround yourself with tweeps who will support and help you grow
  • Learn the Lingo – You only have 140 characters so you MUST make use of acronyms!

Thank you Twitter for exposing me to an amazing community, for teaching me new ways to connect and for helping me learn something new each and every day!

If you haven’t joined Twitter yet, I say go for it! And make sure to tweet me a hello! I promise to tweet you back.

A buzz cut to remember…

Dylan decided recently that he wanted to buzz his hair! As a mom of not 1 but 2 children who were bald for the first 3 years of their lives, hair is kinda a big deal to me.  Once Dylan’s hair grew in he developed a mop of incredibly delicious curls! Piles and piles of long, luscious curls that quite frankly I couldn’t ever bare to cut off!


That was until the day he decided that he no longer wanted long hair! I had been warned by many that cutting off his curls could result in the curls disappearing for good, but I just couldn’t believe that these curls would not come back!

Boy was I wrong…

Since the big cut of 2012, Dylan has never sported a single curl again! Devastating as it was this turn of events resulted in many different styles, from spiky, to messy, to brush over sleek as he called it.

pizap.com10.124567642807960511391285778428My almost 8 year old has decided that it is his hair, his power to do with what he wishes and as a Mom I have to simply drive him to his choice of salons to get the job done!

Today he decided it was time for an official buzz cut!  I decided to take him to a new place which came highly recommended by @tjzmommy called Sport Clips! His eyes lit up with excitement when he saw the big screen TV’s, sports chairs & sports theme.  Dylan enjoyed the MVP treatment which included a hair cut, steamed towel & massage! For those who know Dylan you will know he LOVED every minute of it! He got up and announced that he was in “haircut heaven” and he would be back!

And yes, I let him get the buzz cut… He now officially has NO hair again! sigh….

IMG_00002684If you are looking for a super fun, well priced and great haircut for the men/boys in your life I highly recommend Sport Clips! We went to the location in Richmond Hill & cannot say enough what a fantastic experience it was! Eren can’t wait to go with Dyl for a “guys” outing!

Now you too can try it out with this offer for a FREE MVP mentioning ‘tjzmommy’*   *Offer valid until February 28th, 2014.  Mention “tjzmommy” at time of booking or check in.

Even more exciting! TJZ Mommy is giving away a chance to win a YEARS worth of free hair cuts! Head over to her blog and enter now!

Celebrating Earth Day with your Dog

Holidays are a great time to make extra special with your pup – but not all of them can quite be enjoyed together like Earth Day! This is one of those holidays where together you can find so many fun ways to celebrate.

This year Jessie is not able to celebrate in her usual favorite ways.  For Jessie,  the perfect Earth Day would be a visit to our local lake where she would enjoy a long hike around the lake followed by a lovely swim and a paddle with all of us.Today Jessie is home recouperating after 2 leg surgeries and I know she is dreaming of when she can hike and paddle again.  Tonight to celebrate we will take her for a very short walk on the street to get her legs moving and let her enjoy this beautiful sunny Spring day.

In celebration of Earth Day here are a few suggestions for you and your pup!

Earth day Collage


Hiking with your dog is a wonderful way to take your dog on the “walk” of their life. It is a terrific way to bond with your best friend and give him a chance to get some great exercise while enjoying the beauty of the great outdoors. Visiting new locations also helps to relieve boredom which may set in for a dog that has a usual routine walk each day.

How to prepare for a hike

There are a few simple things to remember before heading out on an afternoon or a day hike with your pup. A full water bottle for you both (at least a litre or more to share), a blanket and towel for your car’s protection against muddy paws, a leash, and some dog treats to help you with your recall from time to time on the trail to remind Fido that he still has to obey the rules. As well, knowing the weather and preparing accordingly with items such as sunscreen and a hat, or a toque and gloves. Remember, the weather at the hiking location may not be the same as it was at your house… if you’re unsure of an item, bring it and leave it in your car if you don’t need it once you arrive. Bring along an extra garbage bag to pick up garbage along the way – an easy way to keep the forest cleaner and greener this Earth Day.

Head to the off leash park

You may not have time for a hike but a fun outing to the local off leash park is always a guaranteed good time! Bring some water, some dog treats and have fun while your pup enjoys a great play seesion with the other dogs! In celebration of Earth Day, chip in and help your local off leash park with some park clean up.

Carbon Paw Print

It may sound funny but just like us our dogs leave a carbon “paw” print.  Are your dogs toys, blankets and accessories Earth friendly? Take a look online and you will find an amazing variety of products that are “green” and made out of recycled products and easy to recycle materials.  One of the sites I quite like is Olive – they have a beautiful assortement of green products!

Have a wonderful Earth Day!! We hope you enjoy every moment with your pup!